instant access with your credit card!
2,000 Models :: 1.5 MILLION Images :: Hours of Video
Packages Start At Just 72¢ Per Day!
the button below to visit CCBill,
our authorized MERCHANT for access to The ATK Galleria |
Due to the need to reduce fraud with credit cards on the internet,
fairly strict risk parameters are built in to the approval
model for the credit card sign-up method. At times, for no
apparently good reason, your card may be declined. This is
due to factors beyond our control. However, in order to allow
as many legitimate customers to join as possible we are using
two credit card processors, each with their own approval parameters.
If you have trouble getting approved with CCBill, please try
Paycom by selecting a membership option below: |
an option below to visit Paycom.net,
our authorized sales agent for access to ATK Premium! |
If you
have any questions or problems using our service, please contact
us at webmaster@atkgallery.com